
by Thoughtful Arts

Music & Audio


DelayWorx is a tool for delay time, tempo, loop time, measures, and time signatures. Useful for recording engineers, musicians, and DJs.DelayWorx has two tabs, Delay and LoopLab.On the Delay tab, given the tempo, use DelayWorx to figure: • Delay time to a given note value. • Notes can range from dotted whole to 1/64 notes, and every note in between.On the LoopLab tab, you have four variables; Loop Time, Measures, Tempo, and Time Signature.Fill in any three and DelayWorx will calculate the fourth for you.That means you can calculate: • How many measures can fit in a given loop time, tempo and time signature. • Whats the loop time for a number of measures, tempo and time signature. • Whats the correct tempo for a given loop time, measures and time signature. • What affect does a time signature have for a given loop time, measures and tempo.